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بعد سبع سنوات , أسبوع كامل بدون موبايل

بعد سبع سنوات , أسبوع كامل بدون موبايل    قررت أستغل العزل المنزلي عن طريق عمل عزل عن الهاتف الجوال ايضا لمدة أسبوع, القرار مو سهل كان بس قررت بدون أي تفكير          شفت الفرصة مراح تتكرر, صار اكثر من سبع سنوات 24 ساعه الموبايل مفتوح وبأيدي ,وحتى لو ردت اطفي فماكنت اكدر اطول اكثر من يوم او يومين و اكيد لازم يكون بلعطل علمود باقي الايام كنت احتاجه للعمل او الدراسه. واعرف هوايه مرات يكون نصف الضغط الي اشعر بيه هو من ورا الهاتف والمسجات والكروبات والمشاكل الي بيه. حمدلله كدرت استغل العزل بفدشي زين انو ابتعد عن الموبايل مدة اسبوع وكدرت اسيطر على نفسي.التجربه حلوه كثير و اتمنى الكل يجربها.احلى شي انو تحس براحة بال وحرية, لان مرات كثير كنت احس الموبايل مسيطر عليه, كل دقيقه يجذبني لنفسه ولازم اشوف اذا اكو مسج او لا, اذا احد سوالي لايك او لا,حتى لو مجنت انتظر شي من احد. كنت اضيع ساعات ع الانستكرام بدون ماحس .واكيد اندم على هلوقت. اني ماحب احد يخليني ضعيفه حتى اذا كان الموبايل ومو شخص, لازم تتعلم كيف تحكم بنفسك وتصرفاتك . وماكو علاج للتعلق الا ...
هذا هو وقتي / قصي و غادة بنات الملاكمة أنا أبغى أطييير  فوق السحاب احلق  أوصل لبعيد  وحلمي راح احقق  هدفي ، طموحي  لأنه هذا هو وقتي  شايفه گدامي  مين واقفة جنبي  أسمعو كلامي  ……………………………… وقت اللعب ما عندي  في التحدي مين يعدي محد گدي  صراع الحياة مالو نهاية  لكن بعد كل نهاية في بداية خط رفيع بين الواقع والخيال  هروب من المسؤولية، شي محال  تعب و شقا ، معاناة واعجاز  لكن من غير شجاعة وجرأة  مافي أنجاز  مصاعب و مشاكل في طريقي راح أشيلها  أواجه المخاوف والحواجز  وأزيلها وفي المواقف أنا واقف كفو  ومن غلطي أتعلم وأطلب العفو  في كل حالة  مافي مجال للخسارة  فشد العزم وأتوكل  الدنيا دوارة في الحلبه بلاكم لمستقبل جديد سلاحي هو عقلي  في الأول والأخير 

What I have learned from the lion king movie

Simple movie have thousands of lessons to teach us we adults . Maybe you say this movie is for kids. But the wisdom inside can teach you something important about forgiving  yourself first then others. Sometimes we keep in thinking about forgiving the people that hurt us ,but we forget to forgive ourselves from letting others hurt us or gave them the chance. Maybe sometimes it is harder when we do the same mistake over and over again.  We lose the hope of learning from our mistakes and each day we hate ourselves more for its weakness.  So we cannot forgive it and we can’t trust that it will not do the same mistake over and over again.  But well, you can not know what will happen ,maybe you will do the mistake again and maybe you will never do it because you become stronger and stronger . But you will never become stronger if you didn’t forgive in first place. So always remember who you are , when you know it is mistake to let other hurt you or you th...

some amazing quotes from Sun and her flowers by RupiKaur

I could be anything in the world , but I want to be his If love was him  he would be here wouldn't he  If he was the one for me  wouldn't he be the one sitting across from me if love was him it would have been simple Love does not look like a prison  love is our actions  love is giving all giving all we can  even if its just the bigger slice of cake  love is understanding  we have the power to hurt one another  but we are going to do everything in our power to make sure we don't Love is figuring out all the kind of sweetness we deserve  and when someone show up saying they will provide  it as you do but their actions seem to break you  rather than build you  love is knowing whom to choose You are in everywhere  except right here and it hurts There is a list of questions I want to ask But never will There is a list of questions I go...

Love Your self

Love yourself ,make it the more important thing in your life even if you have to be selfish because who will love you more than your self don't let anyone hurt it don't ask if you deserve this or this , you deserve everything as long as it is good

my special

you are the only thing in my life that no one can understand it no one can feel the beating of  my heart every time i look in your eyes I can fly to thousands of imaginary places with your eyes I cant understand how can you change the very simple things to an important things only by talking about suddenly everything that related to you become very special how could you make me laugh for hours without stopping and how could you make me cry for days without stopping  even that I know it is only temproary you turn all my feelings to the latest point of satisfaction maybe it wont work with my feelings when I see you because every time is like I am seeing you for first time

fight inside you

There is always a fight between our mind and heart between our good side and bad side  between negative thoughts and positive thoughts and always one of them win and over us  so feed the good things inside you feed it by reading,learning from your experiences or others feed it to make it stronger because all depends on you don't blame other peoples or the destiny  and if the bad feelings get over you..then don't let them last for too long